Friday 20 May 2011

The Mughal empire :

1. Babar came to India originally from………….

Ans. Ferghana

2. Babar laid the foundation of Mughal empire in 1526 by defeating …………

Ans. Ibrahim Lodi

3. When Akbar was young, his guardian was……………

Ans. Bairam Khan

4. Akbar assumed actual control over the administration of his empire in ……………..

Ans. 1560

5. The court language of Mughal’s was …………….

Ans. Persian

6. Who consolidated the Mughal Empire and gave it a unique muliti-religious culture?

Ans. Akbar

7. Akbar’s land revenue system was known as ……….

Ans. Zabti system

8. Din-i-llahi was accepted by ………..

Ans. Birbal

9. Where did Babar die?

Ans. Agra

10. Babar won the battle of Panipath mainly because of ………….

Ans. His military skill and tulughma system

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