Saturday 28 May 2011


Multiplication by 9

The sutra use in Nikhilam

Meaning : All by 9 and last digit from 10

Illustration 1. 7538 × 9

1. Write the zero in front of the given number to get 07538 × 9

2. Subtract the right hand figure 8 from 10 and add the right neighbor 0 (no right neighbor )

i.e. (10 – 8) +0 = 2

3. Subtract 3 from 9 and add the right neighbour 8

i.e., (9 – 3) + 8 = 14, write 4 and carry over 1.


4. Subtract 5 from 9 and add the right neighbour 3

i.e., ( 9 – 5) + 3 = 7+1 = 8


5. Subtract 7 from 9 and add the right neighbour 5

i.e., ( 9 – 7 ) + 5 = 2+5 = 7


6. At the last step when we have 0, subtract 1 from the right neighbor and use it as the left hand digit.

i.e., 7 – 1 = 6

The answer is 67842a

1 comment:

  1. this method is so easy to do the solution. tanks for giving this good method
