1. | Race | let go, loosen, unfasten |
2. | Racist | humanitarian, liberal, |
3. | Racialism | broad-mindedness, fairness, open-mindedness, tolerance |
4. | Racy | dull, idle, languid, lazy |
5. | Radical | extrinsic, nonessential, superficial |
6. | Radii | inside, interior, minimum |
7. | Radiuses | inside, interior, minimum |
8. | Raffish | behaved, couth, proper |
9. | Rafter | calculable, countable, counted, limited, measurable, numbered, numerable |
10. | Raid | aid, assist, guard, help, protect |
11. | Rainbow | reality, truth |
12. | Rainfall | dryness |
13. | Raiment | reveal, take off, unclothe, uncover |
14. | Raise | decrease, drop, reduction |
15. | Ramble | be direct, stay |
16. | Rambling | Regular, orderly, methodical |
17. | Rammed | tap |
18. | Ramose | branchless |
19. | Rampage | calm, harmony, peace |
20. | Rampant | checked, controlled, limited, restrained |
21. | Rank | aromatic, perfumed, sweet |
22. | Ranches | sea, sky |
23. | Rangy | chubby, dumpy, fat, thick |
24. | Rapacious | calm, easy-going, laid-back |
25. | Rapid | languishing, leisurely, slack, slow |
26. | Rapscallion | hard worker |
27. | Rapturous | hateful, unfriendly |
28. | Rare | common, frequent, regular, typical, usual |
29. | Rarely | frequently, often, oftentimes, oft |
30. | Rarefaction | adulteration, corruption, dirtying, pollution |
31. | Rarify | adulterate, corrupt, dirty, pollute |
32. | Rarity | density |
33. | Rascally | serious, sober, honest, honorable |
34. | Rash | careful, cautious, planned, thoughtful |
35. | Rashes | cleanliness, sterility |
36. | Rate | whole |
37. | Ratite | flying bird |
38. | Ration | whole |
39. | Rational | irrational, ridiculous, unrealistic, unreasonable, unsound |
40. | Rationale | ambiguity, nonsense, vagueness |
41. | Rather | extremely, violently |
42. | Raunchiness | decency, modesty |
43. | Ravage | aid, assist, help, protect |
44. | Rawer | cooked, done, well-done |
45. | Ray | dullness |
46. | Razz | commend, compliment, flatter, praise, revere |
47. | Reach | limitation |
48. | Reaction | cause, question |
49. | Reactive | insensitive, unresponsive, unsusceptible |
50. | Reactionary | liberal, progressive, radical |
51. | Readable | illegible |
52. | Read | write |
53. | Readily | unwillingly |
54. | Readjust | disarrange, dislocate, disorder, disturb, unfit |
55. | Readiness | discouragement, unpreparedness |
56. | Ready | immature, slow, unavailable, unprepared, unready, unripe, unsuitable |
57. | Realignment | beginning, conclusion, end, finish, introduction, sameness, stagnation, start |
58. | Real | dishonest, fake, false, feigned, imaginary, invalid, untrue |
59. | Reality | belief, fantasy, hypothesis, imagination, theory |
60 | Realise | ignore, neglect |
61. | Ream | decrease, narrow, restrict |
62. | Reap | plant, sow |
63. | Rear | beginning, front |
64. | Reassume | finish, halt, stop |
65. | Reassess | ignore, refuse |
66. | Reason | agree, go along |
67. | Reasoning | dishonest, fake, false, feigned, imaginary, invalid, untrue |
68. | Reasonable | unreasonable, immoderate, irrational |
69. | Rebate | add, increase, raise |
70. | Rebel | complaisant, compliant, obedient |
71. | Rebellion | calm, harmony, peace |
72. | Rebirth | sleep, sleeping |
73. | Rebuff | inclusion, welcome |
74. | Rebut | agree, approve, back down, concede |
75. | Rebuilt | harm, hurt, injure |
76. | Rebuke | compliment, flattery, praise |
77. | Recast | continue, fix, keep, let stand, maintain, preserve, remain, retain, sustain |
78. | Recalcitrant | amenable, obedient, passive |
79. | Recent | earlier, future, old, past |
80. | Recipient | donor, giver |
81. | Recondition | continue, hold, keep, persist, remain, stay |
82. | Record | loss |
83. | Recover | lose, mislay, miss |
84. | Recreation | labor, profession, work |
85. | Recur | halt, stop |
86. | Recruit | professional |
87. | Recurrent | halted, infrequent, permanent, prevented, stopped |
88. | Recurred | halt, stop |
89. | Recuperative | difficult, inflexible, intolerant, unadaptable, ungiving |
90. | Rectitude | dishonesty, infamy |
91. | Rectify | damage, ruin, worsen |
92. | Rectangular | rounded, oblique, parallel |
93. | Recriminatory | exculpatory |
94. | Recriminate | absolve, exculpate, exonerate, praise, vindicate |
95. | Recreate | anger, irritate, make mad, upset |
96. | Recovery | deterioration, relapse |
97. | Recourse | compulsion, constraint, necessity, obligation, restraint |
98. | Recount | conceal, repress |
99. | Rectangular | rounded, oblique, parallel |
100. | Recount | conceal, repress |
101. | Reconvene | estrange, go separate ways, separate |
102. | Reconstruct | destroy, raze, ruin |
103. | Reconsider | ignore, refuse |
104. | Reconnaissance | abstention, idleness, laziness |
105. | Reconcile | disagree, refuse |
106. | Recommendatory | bad, disagreeable, unfavorable, unfriendly, unpromising |
107. | Recommend | disapprove, discourage, dissuade |
108. | Recognisable | unidentifiable, imperceptible, unperceivable, unidentifiable |
109. | Recoil | face, meet |
110. | Reckless | careful, cautious, responsible, wary |
111. | Recital | misrepresentation |
112. | Receive | deliver, donate, give, offer |
113. | Reciprocate | deny, refuse |
114. | Recidivism | healing, progress, strengthening |
115. | Recessive | dominant, overbalancing, prevailing |
116. | Recede | advance, forge, forward, increase |
117. | Recapitulation | addition, enlargement, expansion, extension, increase, |
118. | Recantation | remainder, stay |
119. | Recyclable | useless |
120. | Redeemable | Unrecoverable, irrecoverable, inconvertible, unconvertible, incorrigible |
121. | Redeem | forfeit, lose |
122. | Reduce | expand, extend, grow, increase, raise, upgrade |
123. | Redo | continue, hold, keep, persist, remain, stay |
124. | Reduction | enlargement, increase |
125. | Referred | hold back |
126. | Refill | emptiness |
127. | Refine | corrupt, dirty, pollute |
128. | Reformative | damaging, harmful, hurtful, injurious |
129. | Reform | hurt, impair, worsen |
130. | Reformation | worsening |
131. | Reformative | damaging, harmful, hurtful, injurious |
132. | Refresh | damage, ruin |
133. | Refrain | do, go ahead, jump in |
134. | Refund | deprive, fine, forfeit, lose |
135. | Refusal | approval, grant, offer, ok, sanction |
136. | Regardless | attentive, concerned, heedful |
137. | Regression | progression |
138. | Regularity | change, changeableness, fluctuation, inconstancy, instability, irregularity, unsteadiness |
139. | Regularly | irregularly, on an irregular basis |
140. | Regular | abnormal, anomalous, eccentric, extraordinary, irregular, rare, uncommon, unusual |
141. | Regal | common |
142. | Regard | disregard, ignorance, neglect |
143. | Regret | contentedness, happiness, satisfaction |
144. | Regular | abnormal, anomalous, eccentric, extraordinary, irregular, rare, uncommon, unusual |
145. | Regulate | deregulate, disorganize, mismanage |
146. | Region | open |
147. | Regressive | ahead, forward, to the front |
148. | Rein | free, let go |
149. | Reintroduce | forget |
150. | Reiterative | inconstant, infrequent, irregular, occasional, rare, sporadic, uncommon, unrepeated, unusual |
151. | Rejection | acceptance, allowance, approval, choice, ratification, sanction |
152. | Reject | accept, allow, approve, choose, ratify, sanction |
153. | Rejoice | Mourn, bewail, lament, grieve |
154. | Relapse | healing, progress, strengthening |
155. | Relaxation | intensification, labor, work |
156. | Relay | check, hold on, keep |
157. | Relate | conceal, hide |
158. | Related | unrelated |
159. | Release | check, collection, gathering, hold |
160. | Reliable | deceptive, irresponsible, unreliable, untrustworthy |
161. | Reliably | carelessly, incautiously, thoughtlessly |
162. | Reliability | implausibility, improbability, unreasonableness |
163. | Reliant | independent, unconditional, unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted |
164. | Reliance | disbelief, independence |
165. | Relied | use up, waste |
166. | Relief | damage, hurt, injury, pain |
167. | Religious | agnostic, atheistic, irreligious, ungodly |
168. | Religion | agnosticism, atheism, disbelief |
169. | Relieve | harm, hurt, injure, pain |
170. | Relive | disregard, forget |
171. | Reload | deplete, use up, waste |
172. | Release | check, collection, gathering, hold |
173. | Relent | build, increase, rise |
174. | Relevant | inappropriate, irrelevant, unsuitable |
175. | Relevancy | inappropriateness, unsuitability |
176. | Reluctant | anxious, eager, enthusiastic, ready, willing |
177. | Ruthless | merciful |
178. | Remake | continue, hold, keep, persist, remain, stay |
179. | Remarkable | ordinary, insignificant, unimportant, normally, usually, unremarkably, commonly, ordinarily |
180. | Remark | silence |
181. | Remember | disregard, forget |
182. | Remind | forget |
183. | Remit | hold, keep |
184. | Remedial | damaging, harmful, hurtful, injurious |
185. | Remedy | disease, injury, pain |
186. | Reminder | forgetfulness |
187. | Remission | accusation, blame |
188. | Remodel | disarrange, dislocate, disorder, disturb, unfit |
189. | Remold | destroy, raze, ruin |
190. | Removal | entrance, induction, introduction |
191. | Remove | fix, place, remain, stay |
192. | Render | remove, take |
193. | Renewal | destruction, exhaustion, impoverishment |
194. | Renew | finish, halt, kill, stop |
195. | Renovation | damage, decline, decrease, diminishing, harm, hurt, injury, weakening, worsening |
196. | Renovate | demolish, destroy, ruin |
197. | Renowned | unknown |
198. | Rent | purchase |
199. | Rental | purchase |
200. | Reoccur | depart, leave |
201. | Reorganise | continue, hold, keep, persist, remain, stay |
202. | Repaid | deprive, extort, penalize, seize, steal, take |
203. | Repair | breaking, damage, destruction, harm, hurt, injury, neglect, wrecking |
204. | Repay | deprive, extort, penalize, seize, steal, take |
205. | Repeal | approval, enactment, passage, sanction, validation |
206. | Repentance | happiness |
207. | Replace | leave alone |
208. | Replay | take back |
209. | Report | quiet, silence |
210. | Repose | agitation, disturbance, upset, worry |
211. | Reputable | disreputable, notorious, untrustworthy |
212. | Repeat | original |
213. | Repel | attract, draw |
214. | Repent | be happy, be joyous, exalt, gloat, praise, vaunt |
215. | Replay | take back |
216. | Repose | agitation, disturbance, upset, worry |
217. | Represent | deny, disclaim |
218. | Representation | misrepresentation |
219. | Repulsion | attraction, liking, love |
220. | Repute | disrepute |
221. | Reputation | disreputableness, ill repute, notoriety |
222. | Request | answer, reply |
223. | Require | dislike, have, not want |
224. | Rescind | allow, approve, permit |
225. | Rescue | danger, peril |
226. | Resemble | contradict, contrast, deviate, differ, disagree |
227. | Resemblance | contrast, difference, diversity |
228. | Resent | be happy, like, love |
229. | Resentful | calm, collected, content, happy, joyful, joyous |
230. | Resetting | preserve, save |
231. | Reshuffle | destroy, raze, ruin |
232. | Residency | unnatural surroundings |
233. | Reside | depart, go, leave, migrate, move, reject, resist |
234. | Residue | base, core |
235. | Resign | agree, take on |
236. | Resist | endure, tolerate, brook, admit, suffer |
237. | Resistance | compliance, conforming, cooperation, submission |
238. | Resolute | afraid, cautious, cowardly, irresolute, weak |
239. | Resolve | indecision, question, wavering |
240. | Resolvable | insoluble, irreconcilable, |
241. | Respect | disdain, dishonor, disrespect |
242. | Respected | disreputable |
243. | Respective | indefinite |
244. | Response | asking, question, request |
245. | Responsive | insensitive, unresponsive, unsusceptible |
246. | Rest | action, activity, energy |
247. | Resolute | afraid, cautious, cowardly, irresolute, weak |
248. | Restart | complete, desist, discontinue, end, finish |
249. | Restate | quote |
250. | Rested | tired |
251. | Restore | break, damage, destroy, hurt |
252. | Restricted | unrestricted, unmodified, unclassified |
253. | Restrictive | friendly, open, welcoming |
254. | Restrainer | aid, allowance, assistance, help, indulgence, liberation, permission |
255. | Restraint | agitation, arousal, wildness |
256. | Result | cause, source |
257. | Retain | free, let go, lose, release, spend |
258. | Retail | noncommercial |
259. | Retire | begin, enter, join |
260. | Retort | question, request |
261. | Retold | rambling |
262. | Retook | lose, mislay, miss |
263. | Retouch | forget |
264. | Retrospect | forethought, prophesy, prospect |
265. | Retrieve | give, offer, relinquish |
266. | Retread | break, corrupt, destroy, unfix |
267. | Retrospective | idiotic, negligent, obtuse, remiss, stupid, thoughtless |
268. | Revenge | forgiveness, pardon, sympathy |
269. | Reverence | disdain, disregard, disrespect, scorn |
270. | Reversal | enactment, restoration, retention, validation |
271. | Review | ignore, neglect |
272. | Revisit | depart, go away, leave |
273. | Revival | destruction, killing, suppression |
274. | Revision | worsening |
275. | Revile | acclaim, adulate, approve, commend, compliment, praise |
276. | Revoke | approve, authorize, enforce |
277. | Reward | penalty, punishment |
278. | Reword | quote |
279. | Rhyme | estimate, guess |
280. | Rich people | poor people, poor |
281. | Richest | poor |
282. | Ridded | get |
283. | Ridden | free, release |
284. | Riddle | known, understanding |
285. | Riffle | pour |
286 | Rifle | order, organize |
287. | Rig | not give, unfurnished |
288. | Right | corrupt, immoral, inequitable, unfair, unjust, wrong |
289. | Rim | center, middle |
290. | Rime | closing, closure, solid |
291. | Rimmed | be inside, center |
292. | Risk | certainty, safety, sureness, surety |
293. | Rival | assisting, associate, supporting |
294. | Roam | be direct, stay |
295. | Road | egress, outlet |
296. | Robbery | boon, construction, goodness, miracle, wonder |
297. | Rocket | dally, dawdle, delay, procrastinate, rest, slow, stall, wait |
298. | Romance | depreciate, minimize, play down, reduce, understate |
299. | Romantic | pragmatic, realistic, unromantic |
300. | Roof | nadir |
301. | Room | depart, go, leave, migrate, move, reject, resist |
302. | Rope | free, loose, loosen, release, set free, unbind, unfasten, untie |
303. | Rot | building, development, growth |
304. | Rotatable | immobile |
305. | Rotten | fresh, good, new, pleasant |
306. | Rough | even, level, polished, regular, smooth |
307. | Row | agreement, peace |
308. | Royalty | subordination |
309. | Rubbed | dull, tarnish |
310. | Rude | kind, mannerly, nice, polite, respectful |
311. | Rule | serve, submit |
312. | Rumor | truth |
313. | Rural | city, metropolitan, suburban, urban |
314. | Rush | retardation, slowness |
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