Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Types of Preposition :

1. Simple Prepositions / Single-word Prepositionsat, in, by, over,

through, under, after, etc.

2. Compound Prepositionsacross, along, before, above, behind,

besides, without, etc.

3. Double Prepositions – from within, from under, out of, from among, etc.

4. Phrase Prepositions / Preposition + noun + preposition – by means

of, on account of, in comparison with, in accordance with, in view of,

in spite of, on the point of, with reference to, with an eye to, etc.

5. Participial Prepositionconsidering, regarding, concerning, during,

pending, etc.

6. Adverb + Preposition – along with, apart from, as for, as to, away from,

onto, out of, together with, up to, such as.

7. Verb / adjective / conjunction, etc. + Preposition except for, owing

to, due to, but for, because of.


A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun or a noun equivalent and shows some relationship between that and some other world in the sentence.

1. Robin gave a lecture on patriotism.

=> prep. noun

2. The prize is given to her.

=> prep. pronoun

3. His objection is to what all you say.

=prep. noun eq. (clause)

The word underline are called Prepositions because they normally take position before (pre) a noun.

The preposition is said to ‘govern’ the noun that follows it. The noun is said to be the ‘object’ of the


Besides single word prepositions, there are also phrases which do the work of preposition and are called ‘Phrase prepositions.’

  • A preposition is, then a link in the chain of a sentence. It ties a noun or pronoun to the rest of the sentence.

This letter is from him.

There is cat under the bed.

Write your address in the notebook.

  • Express the relationship of time and place by the use of a preposition. Example,

I will meet you at university/in Mumbai/outside the library/on the Mumbai

college campus.

  • Besides the relationships of time and place you can use prepositions to express many other different kinds of relationships, such as

Means – He came by train/on foot/ in a motor car, etc

Manner – He spoke with a smile/in a sweet tone.

Reaction – I was shocked by his cruel joke/ at his sudden death.

Reason – I did it out of duty/for my country.

  • Prepositions can be used in a sentence to time, or direction, or show space, or agency, or association,

etc; example,

i. She arrived before lunch. (showing time)

ii. I walk to town/towards the farm. (showing direction)

iii. A few books have been placed on the desk. (showing Space)

iv. It was done by the night watchman with a knife. (showing agency)

v. She left without hope. (showing association)

  • A particular preposition can often be used to express different shades of meaning,

i. She will meet you after 2 o’clock. (later than)

ii. It is a painting after Picasso. (in the style of)

iii. Put the direct object after the verb. (next in order to, following)

iv. The police ran after the thief. (in pursuit of, in search of)

v. Shut the door after you when you leave the room. (behind)

  • The use of different prepositions in a sentence gives us different shades of meaning. For example,

Mohon danced with Sohon. (They danced together.)

Mohon danced behind Sohon. (with Sohon in the front.)

Mohon danced for Sohon. (for the sake of Sohon)

Mohon danced after Sohon. (after Sohon had finished dancing)

  • Sometimes the same word takes different prepositions to express various life situations. For example,

For ‘divide’

Divide sixty by ninety.

Divide these mangoes between the two children.

For ‘Die’

She died of cancer.

She died from the loss of blood.

She died by his own hand.

She died for his country.

  • A particular preposition can often be used to express more than one kind of relationship. We can use on/by for relationship of

Time = by next year, = on the appointed hour,

Place = by the window, = on the top floor,

Means = by working overtime, = on a bicycle,

  • Object of the Preposition

The noun or noun-equivalent (pronoun, adverb, gerund, infinitive, adverbial clause that can be used as the object of the preposition) before which the preposition is placed is called its object.

Example :

The book is on the table. (noun)

I depend on him. (pronoun)

Go away from here. (adverb)

She is fond of playing. (gerund)

He was well till a few days ago. (adverbial phrase)

I shall see it for what it is worth. (adverbial clause)

Monday, 30 May 2011

Interview Tips

Types of Questions

Points to Follow


Interview on the Basis of Form :

(i) Structured Interview

(ii) Unstructured or Informal Interview

Important of the Interview Method :

i. Useful of Securing Information from Persons at All levels :

The questionnaire method is useful only for the educated. Sometimes, questionnaires cannot elicit the required response from persons of different levels of intelligence. This drawback is overcome by the interview method.

ii. Method of Inter stimulation :

As a result of two or more persons coming in contact with each other during an interview they stimulate each other mentally. This helps the respondent to come up with the answers that are required of him. By observing the respondent closely, an interview can ascertain some aspects of the candidate’s behaviour.

iii. It is the Best Method for Getting Information about feelings :

No other method of social research provides better information on feeling, emotions, and sentiments than an interview.

iv. Psychological Study :

It is a psychological and scientific method of study which helps the interviewer to understand the persons he is interviewing.

v. Verification of Information :

Information collected through questionnaires and observation cannot be verified easily. But in an interview, it is possible to verify the information that has been collected from sources like the bio data or the application form.

1st Impression :

The most impressive part of the interviewee is his personality and the following guidelines would very help in impressing the board members.

i. Appropriate smart dress.

ii. Walking and sitting with good posture.

iii. Behaviour very politely.

iv. Smiling when you are entering and leaving the room.

v. Looking at the interviewer while talking.

vi. Speaking clearly and loudly.

vii. Adhering to point of discussion

viii. Logical approach.

Major Objectives :

i. Collecting Information through Face-to-Face Contact.

ii. Collecting Information about Qualitative Facts.

iii. Formation of Hypothesis.

iv. Collecting Additional Information.


Definitions of Interview :

Interview is a meeting between the interviewer and interviewee. It is a very useful in assessing a person’s fine qualities. It discovers candidate’s initiative, tact, drive, mental alertness, self confidence, etc.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Marketing Aptitude

Marketing Aptitude


1.Emphasis should be laid down on which of the following in the Introduction phase of Product Life Cycle?
(B)Cash Inflows
(C)Market establishment
(D)Distribution Strategy
(E)Market Segmentation

Ans. (C) Marker establishment

2.The Unilever’s products Rin Bar, Le sancy Soap, Close up toothpaste, Ponds talcum Powder and Lakme cream can be kept in which of the following categories?
(A)Product Line
(B)Product Mix
(C)Product Bundling
(D)Product Items
(E)Product Index

Ans. (B) Product Mix

3.In marketing reduction in the sales volume, sales revenue, or market share of one product as a result of the introduction of a new product by the same producer is called as?
(A)Decoy effect
(D)Cross merchandising
(E)Complex sales

Ans. (C) Cannibalization

4.Which among the following provides “core benefits” ?
(A)Generic product
(B)Expected product
(C)Augmented product
(D)Potential Product
(E)Branded product

Ans. (A) Generic Product

5.Which among the following helps a marketer to help the product occupy a distinct and valued place in the target customer’s mind?

Ans. (C) Positioning

6.Which among the following is not used for Psychographic market segmentation ?

(A)Personality traits
(D)Social Roles
(E)Educational level

Ans. (E) Educational level


.Market segmentation does not aid to decision making as which of the following ways__?

(A)identifying groups of customers
(B)avoid trial and error methods
(C)address the customer need effectively
(D)analysis and market segmentation
(E)skimming pricing

Ans. (E) Skimming pricing

8.Which among the following ultimately drives to maximizing profits? (more than one options correct)
(A)Customer Segmentation
(B)Customer Acquisition
(C)Customer Retention
(D)Customer Needs
(E)Customer Care

Ans. (B & C) Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention . Customer care comes under customer retention

9.Which among the following is the first stage of Marketing Process?
(A)Strategy Formulation
(B)Marketing Planning
(C)Programming, allocating and budgeting
(E)Monitoring and Auditing

Ans. (D) Implementation

10.Routinisation of Decision by the channels of distribution helps in which of the following ?
(A)Delivery of Goods
(B)Cost reduction
(C)Pricing Decision
(D)Cost increase

Ans. (B) Cost reduction

11.In which stage of the product Life Cycle (PLC) the Profits are low / negligible?
(E)none of the above

Ans. (A) Introduction

12.The Unilever’s products Rin Bar, Wheel Bar, Rin Powder, Wheel Powder , Surf and Surf excel can be kept in which of the following?
(A)Product Line
(B)Product Mix
(C)Product Items
(D)Product bundling
(E)Product Index

Ans. (A) Product Line

13.In which of the following situations Net profit is maximized?
(A)Contribution is maximized
(B)Contribution is minimized
(C)Fixed Cost increased and variable cost decrease
(D)Fixed Cost remains unaltered
(E)None of the above

Ans. (B) Contribution is minimized

14.Which among the following is the only revenue generating element among the 4ps of marketing?

(E)None of the above

Ans. (A) Price, The three others are referred to as cost centers

15.Which among the following is not a correct consequence of inflation in marketing?
(A)Inflation decreases the purchasing power of money
(B)Inflation increases the cost of marketing
(C)Inflation makes consumers more conscious of prices
(D)Inflation negatively affects sales
(E)All of the above

Ans. (E) All of the above

16.Which among the following is oldest variable of market segmentation?

(D)General Lifestyle

Ans. (A) Geography

17.”Terms & Conditions” is a sub element of which of the 4Ps of marketing?
(E)None of them

Ans. (B) Price

18.Which among the following is not criteria for segment?
(A)It must be internally homogenous
(B)It must be identifiable
(C)It must be accessible
(D)It must have effective demand
(E)It must have high purchasing power

Ans. (E) E is not a criteria

19.Which among the following is execution phase of marketing Planning ?
(C)Strategy Formulation

Ans. (D) Implementation

20.Which among the following is not a quality of Banking Service?

Ans. (E) Ownership Service has been defined as an economic activity that does not result in ownership.


Types of Interview


Types of Questions

Introduction Yourself :

i. Introduce yourself?

ii. Introduce yourself in one minute?

iii. Define yourself in one word?

iv. Meaning of your name.

v. Who name you and why?

vi. What is your father’s job profile?

Vii. Tell me your family background.

viii. Where you come from?

ix. Tell me/us something about your place or city or state?

x. For what it is famous?

xi. What are your hobbies and interest?

xii. How can you use your hobbies in this organization?

xiii. Tell me/us Your educational background.

xiv. Tell me/us your previous achievements?

xv. What is the importance of hobby in our life?

xvi. What about those who have no hobbies?

Are they not creative?

xvii. Your strong and weak point?

xviii. Why do you want to join Banking sector?

xix. Any extra curricular activity?

xx. Tell me/us something about of this bank?

xxi. Who is the founder of this bank?

xxii. Who is the CEO of this bank at present?

xxiii. When was this bank nationalised?

xxiv. How many branches are there of this bank in India?

xxv. Current financial position of this bank?

xxvi. How is your subject helpful in banking sector?

xxvii. Who is your ideal?

xxviii. As a student of science or Arts or Commerce, why didn’t you go for higher studies?

xxix. Where did you spend your childhood ?

xxx. What does your mother do?

or Whether she is a house wife or in job?

xxxi. Why don’t you join your family business?

xxxii. Does anybody serve in the banking industry from you family? if yes then tell me/us something?

xxxiii. How many members are in your family?

xxxiv. Have you been cleared any exam before it?

xxxv. Which officer gave you the certificate for being a caste certificate or character certificate?

xxxvi. Why could not get success yet?

xxxvii. What is your idea of life?

xxxviii. If you are not married, then you marry after selection may I hope will be mopping up huge money as dowry?

xxxix. News papers and magazine which you prefer to read? and Name of the Newspaper?

xxxx. Why do you want to be a Officer?

xxxxi. If you don’t get final selection in this examination too what would you do?

xxxxii. Why we should select you?

xxxxiii. Do you know anything about banking?

Types of Questions

Types of Main Questions :

The following type of questions are usually asked during interview :

i. Leading Questions :

These usually have a built in response. In normal practice, the chairperson begins the interview with these leading questions. An interview is usually friendly and cooperative, he would like the candidate to feel at ease. Statement followed by expressions such as ‘Don’t you’ is a leading question put by the interviewer to the candidate when found nervous. This encourages the candidate to face the board boldly and such questions help a candidate feel comfortable and confident to do well.

ii. Open-ended Questions :

These questions usually follow the leading questions like that ‘Tel me about yourself’ is a common question being asked by many interviewers. The purpose of these questions is to talk, information like what, why, and how are collected. Such questions help a candidate feel comfortable and confidant to do well.

iii. Probing Questions :

Questions like ‘Why?’ or How did you?’ are asked in order to elicit more information from the interviewee. Such type of questions is known as Probing questions. Candidate gets the opportunity to expand on what has already been said.

iv. Close-ended Questions :

These questions are meant to seek information on specific items and to test your knowledge of facts figures. It can be answered with yes/no or in a single sentence. It is often asked by the inexperienced interviewer.

v. Compound or Multiple Questions :

During interview, a common question being asked is ‘can you please tell me what is your aim in life and why have you applied for a job with us ? ‘By asking such type of questions, interviewer wants to test the memory and concentration of the candidate.

vi. Hypothetical Questions :

Such type of question are asked to ascertain candidate’s analytical ability & problem solving capability. Such questions are asked when job demands initiative.


An interview is essentially an evaluation of the total personality of a candidate. Personality does not mean mere outward appearance the ability to prevail in a situation, it is a blend of different qualities of mind, body, and sprit.

These four heads can be further classified.

(1) Disposition :

(i) Appearance

(ii) Social manners

(iii) Dynamism

(iv) Mental power

(v) Over all impression

(2) Communication skill :

(i) Language

(ii) Voice, tone, rhythm

(iii) Clarity & logic

(iv) Convincing power

(v) Over all impression

(3) Knowledge :

(i) Range of knowledge

(ii) Depth of knowledge

(iii) Application of knowledge

(iv) Coherence of thought

(v) Over all impression

(4) Leadership traits :

(i) Initiative

(ii) Organisational skill

(iii) Deciding power

(iv) Character

(v) Over all impression

Types of Questions

Types of Questions Expected :

Questions are generally asked to find out the following attributes :

i. Physique :

Physique includes health, manner, strength, speech, appearance, and such other aspects of personality.

ii. Attainments :

Attainments cover educational achievements as per application form, and experience.

iii. General Intelligence :

General Intelligence is a board area of common senses, that is how to tackle with any problem posed on him.

iv. Aptitude test :

Aptitudes include mechanical, verbal, artistic, musical skills.

v. Interest :

Interest are revealed through your outlook and hobbies. Leisure interest to be used in future development.

vi. Disposition :

Disposition covers personality and such things as acceptability, whether he is self motivated, whether you are dominant or submissive, an extrovert/introvert, degree of self reliance and so on.

vii. Circumstances :

Circumstances help the interviewer to put your achievements into a context.


Interview on the Basis of Number of Information :

(i) Group Interview

(ii) Individual Interview


Interviews on the Basis of Object :

(i) Clinical Interview

(ii) Selection Interview

(iii) Diagnostic Interview

(iv) Research Interview

Points to Follow :

Why Does a Candidate Gets Rejected ?

In present scenario academic achievement is not the only considering factor for getting selected in an interview. Economic scenario an extra curricular activities, knowledge on advance technology are as much important and essential for attaining success.

Factors responsible for the rejection of a candidate are as follows :

i. Poor Personality :

Poor appearance due to un-pressed and shabby dress brings down the personality. Lack of courtesy and manners also causes damage to the Personality.

ii. Dull interview Session :

Being passive and indifferent, giving disorganised answers or superficial answers, avoiding direct answers, showing indecisiveness, bluffing, condemning past employer and trying to influence through names of influential personalities are some of the negative factors which must be shunned while facing the interview board.

iii. Lack of Communication Skill :

Inability to express clearly and precisely, being aggressive while communicating, use of poor grammar feeling of nervousness during communication, failure to keep eye contact, use of very low pitch voice, cold handshake, etc. cause negative impact in the minds of the interviewers.

iv. Lack of Knowledge :

The candidate is supposed to possess basic information on product, process, equipment, financial position, principal, work culture, philosophy of the Organisation.

V. Improper Temperament :

Hot tempered, extreme views, narrow minded, aggressiveness are some of the temperament problems that produce negative impact. Aggressiveness, impatience and carelessness are some of the drawbacks, which a candidate should avoid.




1. In page preview mode _____

(1) You can only see the page you are currently working on

(2) You can only see the title page of your document

(3) You can see all pages of your document

(4) You can only see pages that do not contain graphics

(5) None of these

2. File extensions are used in order to ______

(1) identify the file type

(2) name of file

(3) identify the file

(4) ensure the filename is not lost

(5) None of these

3. _______ is the part of the computer that does the arithmetical calculations.

(1) Memory

(2) CPU

(3) OS

(4) ALU

(5) None of these

4. In order to save an existing document with a different name you need to

(1) Use the Save as command

(2) Use Windows Explorer to copy the document to a different location and then rename it

(3) Retype the document and give it a different name

(4) Copy and paste the original document to a new document and then save

(5) None of these

5. A(an) _____ provides commands for writing software that is translated to the detailed step-by-step in structions executed by the processor to achieve an objective or solve a problem.

(1) software patch

(2) programming language

(3) Al language

(4) presentation language

(5) None of these

6. One or more defects or problems that prevent the software from working as intended or working at all is a(an)

(1) bug

(2) fuzzy logic

(3) programming language

(4) booting

(5) None of these

7. What type of software is most useful for the creation of brochures, posters, and newsletters?

(1) Web authoring software

(2) Desktop publishing software

(3) Spreadsheet software

(4) Multimedia authoring software

(5) None of these

8. Editing a document consists of reading through the document you have created then

(1) saving it

(2) deleting it

(3) correcting your errors

(4) printing it

(5) None of these

9. The internet allows you to

(1) view Web pages

(2) send electronic mail

(3) connect to servers all around the world

(4) All of the above

(5) None of these

10. ________ hard drives are permanently located Inside the system unit and are not designed to be removed, unless they need to be repaired or replaced.

(1) Internal

(2) External

(3) Remove

(4) Static

(5) None of these

11. To contact people using the Internet, you most often use their

(1) passwords

(2) e-mail addresses

(3) domain names

(4) usernames

(5) None of these

12. Byte combined to represent a named collection of instructions or data stored in the computer or digital device is a(an)

(1) kilobyte

(2) record

(3) digitalization

(4) file

(5) None of these

13. When a computer runs a program, the _________ progresses through the program’s sequence of instructions.


(2) CPU

(3) AMD

(4) transistor

(5) None of these

14. Passwords enable users to

(1) simplify file structures

(2) make efficient use of time

(3) gen into the system quickly

(4) retain confidently if files

(5) None of these

15. A _______ can make it easier to play games.

(1) keyboard

(2) mouse

(3) Joystick

(4) pen

(5) None of these

16. The piece of hardware that converts your computer’s digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called a

(1) modem

(2) blue ray

(3) router

(4) red wire

(5) None of these

17. A program written in a high level language is referred to as

(1) machine code

(2) object code

(3) source code

(4) assembly

(5) None of these

18. ___________ shows the files, folders, and drives on your computer, making it easy to navigate from one location to another within the file hierarchy.

(1) My computer

(2) Folders Manager

(3) Microsoft Internet Explorer

(4) Windows Explorer

(5) None of these

19. The quickest and easiest way in word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a document is to use the _________ command.

(1) Find

(2) Replace


(4) Search

(5) None of these

20. Which of the following controls the manner of interaction between the user and the operating system ?

(1) screen saver

(2) Language translator

(3) User interface

(4) Platform

(5) None of these

21. The name that the User gives to a document is referred to as

(1) document given

(2) file name

(3) documentary identifications

(4) given name

(5) None of these

22. A barcode is a/an ________ code that represents data with bars of varying widths of heights.

(1) laser

(2) magnetic

(3) read and write

(4) optical

(5) None of these

23. The trend of digital electronic devices becoming smaller and increasingly powerful has fully supported the move to an increasingly ___________ workforce.

(1) mobile

(2) intelligent

(3) desktop

(4) server

(5) None of these

24. ___________ is a type of high-speed memory that a processor can access more rapidly than RAM.

(1) Magnetic storage

(2) Solid state storage

(3) Cache memory

(4) ROM

(5) None of these

25. The computer needs additional components called ___________ to accomplish its input, output and storage functions.

(1) architecture

(2) mice

(3) specifications

(4) peripherals

(5) None of these